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A Beauty Revolution: Where do we go from here?


Updated: 3 days ago

up close cluster of the underside of oyster mushrooms, soft pink in color with narrow slivers of flesh running vertically, creating a striping affect.

I can tell you now, the balloon burst in the Summer of 2024. The beauty revolution was happening, you just didn't notice it until the tail end of that weird ass year when clients starting putting their image on the back burner, cancelling their holiday season appointments and if you were lucky, they got back on your books for January. I don't know if it was out of money woes, disinterest or truly people are working themselves sick. I had a few different cases of all these scenarios. I can't blame my salon guests, it's the nature of the economy and these tribulations are really what separate the successful with the non successful in this industry. I smiled, wrote back words of encouragement and told my cancelling clients, "Happy Holidays, I'll see you next year!" I imposed no fees, left no unkind word.

If you have been around since the beginning of Bombshell Beauty, you likely know my story pretty well. I was hell bent on being a salon owner and I finally made the leap when I signed a lease in September 2024. I told a handful of clients that I would be moving but mostly kept it hushed until I found the space and knew when I could open. The furniture shipment was delayed by thirty days, the expenses kept coming in, I needed more storage space and seating for functionality... it was a lot. Thankfully, I have the best team in my Husband and family for putting it all together, throwing money blindly at the cause and turning the dream into reality with every hand assembled station and chair.

The last quarter of 2024 was a doozy, with all the reschedules, cancellations and appointment changes, a less head strong stylist would have thrown in the towel.

Me? Absolutely not.

cozy nook or meeting space with green couch cushions and chair upholstery. A medium wood desk sits between them on a floor of bronze square tiling creating a checkerboard pattern.

With a plan in place, 2025 will be the most streamlined my business has ever been. I'm bringing back model calls, where my salon stylists can practice their craft, capture amazing social media and marketing content and hopefully meet new people. The guests get to enjoy the atmosphere, relaxing in a swanky space all while having their hair made over, saving a little bit of money in the process.

I am encouraging Bombshell Beauty stylists to take control of their brands, be the trusted authority in their specialties and create connection with new clients. The look is important, but if you like your stylist, that's icing on the cake. The industry is churning out stylists from hair schools at an alarming rate and the rules and regulations are rapidly changing; so much so that stylists are skeptical of our futures as a state governed board.

There has been so much debate about the pros and cons and I think my favorite one being that eliminating or lowering the requirements to obtain a license eliminates that barrier to entry that a lot of passionate people may face. Income and time being two of the greatest factors.

As an owner looking to hire qualified candidates, I get it! It is incredibly frustrating to hire newly licensed professionals because the difference in studying for the state board test to learning the intricacies of customer service and really applying the skills you spent 1000 hours plus on is like night and day. I am a very intuitive spirit and I know they feel like a fish out of water in these interviews; even worse if they have to demonstrate their technical skills.

My salon is currently interviewing to hire a hairstylist with a clientele and Indeed sent me statistics on my job listings; 65 candidates, and I have successfully hired one stylist. Salon owners and managers get to be choosy in 2025. We are not looking for the top stylist, so don't be in a panic. We are looking for stylists that have a drive to succeed. A no fail mentality and people with an inspiring personality.

A person dressed mostly in black is laid across a pink armchair with pink velvet drapes as a background

Beauty salons are another world all their own and I can't speak for everyone but for Bombshell Beauty, we seem to attract those that need us. The clients that want a color makeover their old stylist was uncomfortable to initiate, or to cut their long flowing hair to their ears. It does go deeper than hair, most of my personal clientele have become confidantes, friends and people that give me really incredible advice.

I absolutely know my mindset plays a huge part in who lands in my chair. Choosing to focus on abundance, give when I have it and it's returned three fold. Usually what I have the most of is life experience and little mosaics are created with it when a client needs me. Divulging their heartbreak, their come-ups and most importantly, the limiting beliefs they may have about themselves. As image makers, hairstylists will have to walk a tight rope in order to balance their career and personal life. Just like tattoo artists, our careers entail opening up and creating relationships with strangers and you have to get real comfortable with someone that is spending 2-4 hours in your chair.

In an effort to make these easily digestible, I encourage a pause here. Some time to reflect with how comfortable you may be with your service professionals. Or how comfortable you are with the idea of creating a whole career of not only building but maintaining a portfolio of enthusiastic guests that essentially help you to create the lifestyle you desire.

If it's truly in you, you'll know.

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